May 25, 2024
Humans are interesting species, everyone is different and unique in there own way, we dress certain way, we walk a certain way.
But we all have one thing in common that is selfishness.
I've recently came across a video on youtube titles "No one chose to exist".
Then a question started storming my brain,it was Did I chose to exist? No. People have and had children because they want to have. And it is what they want to have. But not always gives birth to an accepted lifecycle.
We are born without a choice, have to endure everything that is thrown at us, some of us are lucky enough to find the path early on, while the rest wait, bring more people into the world (be it with or without intention) and leave them to suffer like we did.
Most things people do are a total grind, marriage, birth, children, it’s something they have to do because they have nothing else to do. There is no glory in it, no esteem, no fire, their lives are flat and the earth is full of them.
Society as a whole feels fundamentally flawed. We don't grow up being happy, we grow up seeking happiness. That happiness gets farther and farther away trying to find things we don't need and things that are pointless. We should find happiness in what we have but the way society is structured we will never find it. Life is not a complicated existence we as a complicated species think it is, but more often than thought in that many answers are often simple. So find your own simple happiness and enjoy it where ever you find it because society and therfore life is much too complicated as we only try to exist and live our own lives.
Everything is abstract in this universe, even love it does not exist we just think it does.
Everything is filled of nothingness.