Jan 26, 2025

Dreams, Doubts, and Drive

Note: Spotify tracks are carefully selected to set the mood for each blog entry.

Lately, I keep asking myself this one question that won’t leave me alone: Can I make it happen? The dreams I’ve carried with me for years, the ambitions that push me forward every single day will they ever become real? It’s not that I don’t know what I want. I do. I know exactly where I’m headed and what it’ll take to get there. But the uncertainty the not knowing if all this effort will be worth it that’s what keeps me awake at night. Still, there’s a fire inside me, a stubbornness to keep going no matter what. Giving up just isn’t an option.

Every morning, I wake up with this strange mix of doubt and determination. I’m constantly surprising myself with how much I’m willing to push, how badly I want to get there. Honestly, I’ve never thought of myself as someone who’d go above and beyond. But here I am, inching forward one step, one small win at a time. And even on the hardest days, I’ve learned to remind myself: progress is still progress.

Where I Want to Be

When I look back, I realize how little freedom I’ve had. Walking alone at midnight, feeling the cool night air, or just wandering around during the day without a care in the world these are things I’ve never truly experienced. And it’s not just me. For so many women in India, this is the norm. The absence of women in public spaces after dark is so deeply ingrained that we don’t even question it. But why should it be like this? Why should any of us have to accept a life so limited?

I’ve often imagined a world where we’re free to enjoy the simplest things: lying on the grass under a starry sky, walking home with a slice of cake in hand, or jogging through a forest trail without fear. It’s such a basic, human dream, and yet it feels impossibly out of reach. The reality we live in is buried under layers of silence and resignation. Nobody wants to talk about it, and even fewer want to change it. It’s heartbreaking.

I can’t help but think about my future daughter. I don’t want her to live like this always looking over her shoulder, always carrying this quiet, heavy fear. I want her to live in a world where freedom isn’t a privilege but a birthright. Where she can walk wherever she wants, whenever she wants, and never have to wonder, “What if?”

But can this dream come true here? If I’m being honest, I’m not so sure. Maybe it’s the cynic in me, but when I think about safety, respect, and the kind of dignity women deserve, my mind drifts to places like Europe. It feels like a world apart one where a life of freedom and ease might actually be possible.

The Parent I Want to Be

I recently came across an article that said gentle parenting isn’t “for Indians.” It really hit me. Is this what we’re telling ourselves? That kindness, patience, and understanding are somehow not meant for us? I refuse to believe that. It made me think about the kind of parent I want to be someday. I don’t want my kids to grow up carrying the same baggage I did. I want to give them something better.

I want to create a home where their voices are heard, where they feel safe to be themselves, and where they’re encouraged to dream as big as they can. I’m determined to give them everything they need to thrive, to live a life without the constant weight of fear or expectations that don’t belong to them. I’m working so hard now because I know it’s not just for me. It’s for them too for the life I want to give them, for the freedom I hope they’ll have.

This isn’t just a wish; it’s a promise. The life I’m building is as much theirs as it is mine. Every step I take, every little victory, is one step closer to that dream.

Moving Forward

The doubts will always be there, I know that. They’ll linger in the back of my mind, waiting to pounce on my worst days. But they don’t get to define me. What defines me is the fire that keeps burning, the drive to keep moving forward, and the belief that somehow, someway, I’ll make it happen.

For me. For them. For the life we deserve.
